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Farmer, hard working handyman using backpack machine for spraying essential oils

You Deserve To Enjoy Time With Your Family, Without The Annoyance And Potential Health Risk Posed By Ticks And Mosquitoes.

Our tick and mosquito control treatment consists of proven integrated pest management techniques to provide our customers with the safest and most effective protection possible.

Property Treatment

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your property to identify existing pest problems and potential risk factors. This includes inspecting for signs of pest activity and understanding the environmental conditions that contribute to pest infestations. Once we've located potential problem areas on your property, we create a barrier by administering a liquid blend of essential oils around the perimeter, preventing pests from entering. Then, we target the pests that are already within this barrier. Our objective is to comprehensively locate and treat every part of your property that may harbor pests, ensuring there are no areas where they can thrive. Additionally, we extend our treatment to include the eradication of fleas and gnats in your lawns, supplemented by the application of natural granules.
Key features of our treatments include:

  • Comprehensive essential oil application across the entire property.   

  • Removal of standing water to eliminate potential breeding grounds. 

  • Application of natural granules for an additional layer of protection.

  • Implementation of Tick Tubes to enhance pest control measures.      

Our approach is designed to provide thorough and effective pest control, offering a holistic solution to keep your outdoor spaces pest-free and enjoyable.

Treatment Frequency

We initiate our treatments at the onset of favorable weather conditions for pest reproduction, ensuring that pest populations are kept in check before becoming overwhelming. However, if you commence treatment later in the season, an additional application within two weeks may be necessary to effectively combat pest numbers and achieve a satisfactory outcome.
Recommended Treatment Intervals:
For optimal results, it is recommended to undergo treatment every 18-21 days from April through September.
For effective control, we recommend treatment at least once a month from March through November.
*Treating your property for one will effectively address both.

Exclusive Offer: Take advantage of our special discount for prepaid treatments, providing you with both cost savings and peace of mind throughout the season.

How Our Treatment Works

Experience our meticulously crafted treatment plan, designed for unparalleled effectiveness. Our unique essential oil mixture is carefully formulated to not only eliminate ticks and mosquitoes but also combat a range of nuisance insects including fleas, gnats, ants, spiders, stinkbugs, and more! This potent blend strategically targets the insects' octopamine receptors, disrupting their nervous system and ensuring their demise when applied correctly. As an extra layer of defense, we install tick tubes and natural granules, providing comprehensive protection for a pest-free environment.

Products We Use

At the core of our mission is the safety and well-being of your family. Our commitment to safeguarding your loved ones drives every aspect of our services. We take pride in utilizing a diverse range of carefully selected products, each chosen with the utmost consideration for safety. Our priority lies in incorporating natural and essential oil-based solutions, ensuring not only a pest-free environment but also peace of mind for you and your family. By embracing these eco-friendly alternatives, we harmonize effective pest control with a commitment to health, creating a living space where your family can thrive comfortably and confidently.

Scheduling & Pricing

Scheduling Options & Pricing Plans

Introducing our flexible and effective pricing plans to cater to your specific needs!
Select the plan that aligns with your preferences and enjoy customized
pest control for a pest-free environment. 

Flex Schedule:
(Your Schedule, Your Choice)

  • Ideal for those seeking flexibility in pest control.
  • Perfect for occasional protection or party prep treatments.
  • Please try to schedule treatments at least three days in advance.

Pest Specific:
(9 Treatments)

  • Strategically timed treatments for specific control.
  • Once-a-month applications from March to November for effective tick control.  
  • Nine treatments distributed between April and September for targeted mosquito control.
  • You will be notified by email or text (Your Choice) at least one day before each application to confirm or reschedule if necessary.

Ultimate Protection:
(12 Treatments)

  • Comprehensive defense
 against ticks and mosquitoes.
  • Strategically spaced treatments between March and November.
  • Ensures round-the-clock protection for the entire season.
  • Ideal for those seeking season-long peace of mind.
  • You will be notified by email or text (Your choice) at least one day before each application to confirm or reschedule if necessary.

Pre pay for a bundle of treatments and save up to $25
(Minimum. 2 treatment bundle)

Pricing Plans:
(Price & Savings will vary based on property size-Contact us for exact quote.)

1. Pay-as-you-go: Full Price
(Payment due no later than 2 weeks after treatment)
2. Prepay: Save up to $15 Per Treatment
(Pay Before Each Treatment)
3. Pre Pay for Full Season: Save up to $25 Per Treatment
(If there are any remaining prepaid treatments at the end of the season, they will be
rolled over into the next season)

No Obligation-Cancel Anytime.

Payment Methods Accepted:
Credit/Debit Card

Tick Facts & Prevention

  • Ticks are vectors for various diseases, including Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis. Controlling ticks is crucial to preventing the spread of these illnesses.

  • Ticks have a complex life cycle with four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Each stage requires a blood meal for development, making them vulnerable to control measures during feeding.

  • They're Commonly found in grassy, wooded, and brushy areas. Reducing vegetation and maintaining a tidy yard can help control tick populations.

  • Ticks require a host (human or animal) for their blood meals. Identifying and treating hosts, such as pets, is essential for controlling tick infestations.

  • They have a lifespan of 2 months-2 years depending on their environment.

  • 1 female hard body tick can lay over 10,000 eggs.

  • Ticks use carbon dioxide, scent, body heat, to find a host.

  • They will climb up to 3 feet and hang off foliage waiting for a host to brush past, known as questing.

  • Active in temperatures above 40°F

  • Ticks Can live up to 200 days without food or water.

  • They will dry out in direct sunlight.

  • Habitat Management: Keep yards well-maintained by reducing vegetation, mowing grass regularly, and removing leaf piles. Create a tick-free zone around living and play areas by minimizing overgrown foliage and wood stacks.

  • Host Identification and Treatment: Regularly check and treat pets for ticks to minimize potential hosts. Wear tick-repellent clothing and use insecticides when venturing into tick-prone areas.

  • Understanding Tick Behavior: Be aware of tick questing behavior; avoid brushing against foliage in tick-infested areas. Choose paths and trails carefully to minimize contact with tall grasses and vegetation.

  • Environmental Modifications: Implement measures to reduce humidity and darkness in cool areas where ticks thrive. 

  • Sunlight Exposure: Spend time in sunny areas when possible, as ticks are prone to drying out in direct sunlight. Perform thorough tick checks on the body, clothing, and gear after spending time outdoors.

  • Tick Repellents: Use natural repellents on skin. Consider treating clothing with permethrin for added protection against ticks.

Ticks, disease vectors with a complex life cycle, demand targeted control. Proactive measures, considering their reproductive capacity and vulnerabilities to sunlight, are crucial for minimizing health risks and creating safer environments. By combining these prevention strategies, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of tick bites and the associated transmission of tick-borne diseases.

Mosquito Facts & Prevention

  • Mainly lay eggs in water (anything, as small as a bottle cap, that holds water): Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and their breeding sites can range from small containers like bottle caps to larger bodies of water.

  • Can lay eggs on soil or in containers that will later be filled with rainwater or high tides: Some mosquitoes, like those belonging to the Aedes genus, lay eggs on damp soil or in containers, anticipating the arrival of rain or high tides to provide the necessary water for hatching.

  • Uses exhaled carbon dioxide, body movement, odors, and temperature to find a host: Mosquitoes are highly adept at using sensory cues such as exhaled carbon dioxide, body movement, body odors, and temperature to locate a suitable host for a blood meal.

  • Lays up to 300 eggs multiple times: Female mosquitoes can lay a considerable number of eggs in each breeding cycle, and they may go through multiple breeding cycles during their lifespan.

  • 1 female can lay up to 1500 eggs in her life: The number of eggs laid by a female mosquito in her lifetime can vary, but some species can indeed lay up to 1500 eggs during their reproductive lifespan.

  • Gather in cool, humid, shady areas: Mosquitoes are commonly found in cool, humid, and shady areas, especially during the daytime when they seek refuge from the heat.

  • Females on average live up to 6 weeks but can live up to 5 months or longer with an adequate food supply: Female mosquitoes, after taking a blood meal, can live for an average of about 6 weeks. However, with a continuous supply of suitable food (nectar and blood), some species can live much longer, up to 5 months or more.

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Regularly inspect and empty containers that can collect water, such as flowerpots, gutters, and bird baths. Ensure that water storage containers are tightly sealed to prevent mosquito breeding.

  • Mosquito-Proof Your Home: Install screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.

  • Avoid Peak Mosquito Activity: Limit outdoor activities during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. If outdoor activities are necessary, wear long sleeves, pants, and apply natural mosquito repellent.

  • Use Natural Mosquito Repellents: Apply natural mosquito repellents on exposed skin and clothing. Consider using mosquito-repellent wristbands or patches for added protection.

  • Maintain Your Yard: Trim shady areas, tall grasses, and vegetation to reduce mosquito resting areas. Keep the yard clean and free from debris that can collect water.

  • Environmental Modifications: Consider introducing mosquito-eating fish (such as Gambusia) to ornamental ponds. Use larvicides in stagnant water sources to prevent mosquito larvae development.

By incorporating these mosquito prevention tips into daily routines and community practices, individuals can reduce the risk of mosquito bites and the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.

These facts highlight the diverse behaviors and reproductive strategies of mosquitoes, emphasizing their dependence on water for breeding and their reliance on various sensory cues to locate hosts. By incorporating these mosquito prevention tips into daily routines and community practices, individuals can reduce the risk of mosquito bites and the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.

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